Our Journey from a Cell Group to a Global Movement

Our Journey from a Cell Group to a Global Movement

City on a Hill Global began as a small cell group under the Church of Pentecost USA Columbus District. The group was made up of young and Holy Spirit-filled individuals who had a deep thirst for the things of God. We started having weekly Bible meetings, and this led to an increased appetite for fellowship with God. This is how Koinonia was birthed. Quickly, it became an annual gathering of God's people, where participants would spend intense and intimate days in the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Through prayer, worship, and the Word, many notable and life-transforming miracles occurred during this great move of God. Our base started growing, and we realized that looking beyond a particular denomination, but rather, we were opened to all others who shared the common goal of looking for biblically based relationships for the best of their spiritual growth. Many answered the call, and this vision has been instrumental in taking the temperature of the United States towards revival.